Allah Pak Says that, "All of you! be Allah-wala." (Sura Al-Imran: 79)

Thursday, 1 March 2012

The best place for providing Jakat is the ‘Muhammadia Jamaia Shareef.’

Prime Point of Allah’s attention, Imam and Mujtahid of the age, Imamul Aimmah, Kutubul A’alam, Awladur Rasool, Habibullah, Mamduh Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Jilluhil A’alee of Rajarbagh Darbar Shareef said, “Donating Jakat with a political motif or even to keep some corner at good humour shall not be justified or giving it to those religion-monger madrasa or madrasa where terrorists are trained, shall never be acceptable. The best place for providing Jakat is the ‘Muhammadia Jamaia Shareef.’ Finding the recent trend of providing Jakat by some corner to certain religion-monger madrasa and madrasa where terrorists are being trained in the name of Islam, besides those with a political motif, Mamduh Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Jilluhul A’alee made those remarks at Rajarbagh Shareef.

Mujaddidu A’azam Mamduh Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Jilluhul A’alee said, “Throughout the Quaran Shareef, Allah emphasized on Imaan (belief) first and then a’amal (practice).

Mujaddidu A’azam Mamduh Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Jilluhul A’alee said, “Almost everyone accepts that there is one Allah, but with the difference of opinion in accepting Rasulullah Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam. That means with the variation in Aquida (faith), there has been, other than the Muslims, number of kafir groups like hindu, christians and buddists. According to Quaran Shareef, they are all booked for jahannam (hell) till they do Tawba and have faith (in Allah).

Mujaddidu A’azam Mamduh Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Jilluhul A’alee said, “Not only the kafirs, even within the Muslims, there are pretty many so called maolanas, shayikhul Hadis, mufti, mufassir, khatibs and many other Islamic parties those who hold wrong and objectionable attitude toward Rasulullah Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam! They are Muslims by name but they are not true Muslims. They are holding the name of Islamic groups but are not included in Islam.

Mujaddidu A’azam Mamduh Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Jilluhul A’alee said, “In Islam, fundamentalism, terrorism and militancy are all haram. Trade in the name of Islam is haram. Forming a democratic party in the name of Islam is haram. An election in the name of Islam is haram. Voting in the name of Islam is haram as well.

Mujaddidu A’azam Mamduh Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Jilluhul A’alee said, “Most of the madrasa these days are the foundation of producing those ohabi, jamati and khariji terrorists. They are projects of fulfilling personal desires through political or democratic parties and means to earn assets with the excuse of Islam. They are places of teaching elections and voter educations all of which are absolutely prohibited in Islam.

Mujaddidu A’azam Mamduh Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Jilluhul A’alee said, “One must see where his Jakat money is going beforehand. Donating it to the jamati, khariji, ohabi and terrorist related madrasa would not bring any good; it shall not be accepted. If one is donating his money to one such organization, he is entertaining the unethical and anti-Islamic acts of these groups and their wrong faiths and ill practices. He is patronizing in producing terrorist groups and religion mongers like the jamatis. That would only bring disaster of millions of kabirah sin but the Jakat not being done properly.

Mujaddidu A’azam Mamduh Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Jilluhul A’alee said, “It is Allah’s instructions not to donate in the madrasa of the religion mongers. It is also the instruction and reason for the contentment of Rasulullah Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam. Because Allah declares in the Quran Shareef that, “You don’t lend a hand to each other in committing an immoral act.” Habibullah, Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam declares that, “Any one introducing a corrupt act and all those who follows him, all of their sins shall be conferred upon that individual who made the beginning of it.” In another Hadis Shareef, it is found that, “An evil act done in the eastern sphere of the world and someone supports it in the west, the supporters get the equal share of the sins.”

Mujaddidu A’azam Mamduh Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Jilluhul A’alee said, “It is learnt through various news papers that jamatis, kharijis earn millions through Jakat in the madrasa under their control and this money is expended for spreading their evil faiths and ill practices, their trades of the religion.”

Mujaddidu A’azam Mamduh Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Jilluhul A’alee said, “Afzaalun Naas, Ba’adal Ambia, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique RadwiAllahu Ta’ala Anhu declared to continue Jihad for even a piece of rope out of the Jakat money. Like that piece of rope, strict care has to be taken that no Jakat donated by any Muslims in the world is spent with any ill motif or in any evil practices.

Mujaddidu A’azam Mamduh Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Jilluhul A’alee said, “Allah Declares that, “None of the meat or blood of the Qurbani reaches Allah but it is the clean Niyaat (intention) that reaches Allah.” Therefore, Jakat has to be donated with the right attitude to a appropriate place.”

Mujaddidu A’azam Mamduh Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Jilluhul A’alee said, “Now a days, some people donate Jakat for political purpose or keep somebody or some corner happy. Their intention shall not be justified and their Jakat shall not be accepted.”

Mujaddidu A’azam Mamduh Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Jilluhul A’alee said, “Allah has described about the grounds of Jakat in Sura Tawbah. Allah sys, “Jakat is meant for the very poor, the beggars and one who works to collect them, and for those who need be impressed like those new (converted) Muslims and for the liberty of a slave, for relieving somebody of his heavy debts, for those who do jihad for the cause of Allah and for the musaafir (travelers). These are definite rules determined by Allah and certainly Allah is the wisest and aware of all.”

Mujaddidu A’azam Mamduh Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Jilluhul A’alee said, “The Imam (leader) of our Hanafi Mazhab, Imam-i-A’azam, Hazrat Abu Hanifa Rahmatullah Alaihi dictated that donating Jakat to any of those eight categories of people as described in the books shall be alright and Jakat will be justified. During the Khilafah rules, in the Khairul Kurun (golden age), the Jakat used be accumulated in a fund called the Bait-ul-Maal from where the Khalifa used to equally distribute the Jakat to those eligible for it.”

Mujaddidu A’azam Mamduh Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Jilluhul A’alee said, “In the present day context, Khilafah system of government exists no where in the world including Bangladesh. Rather human dictated kufri system is in vogue everywhere. Since Jakat is not properly collected or distributed in this kufri system, therefore people don’t donate it to the government controlled so-called ‘Jakat Fund’ but themselves find the right people for it to donate. Very few, those who know least about the rules of Jakat has donated in that fund. Otherwise, the government is claiming to have collected only 60.7 million Bangladeshi taka as Jakat in last 26 years whereas it was supposed to be millions in even a single year. This is because from the lower echelons of the government to the top-rankings including the prime ministers or presidents - all are tyrants and despots, badly corrupt, extremely dishonest and are fond of bribery and interest money. The media is a great deal of evidences for it. There is no question of Jakat money being safe in this proven environment of corruption and misappropriation.

Mujaddidu A’azam Mamduh Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Jilluhul A’alee said, “Currently there is no Khilafah system in the country and that there is no accumulation of Jakat in Bait-iul-Maal nor are all those categories available every time. There are relatives and neighbours of humble means and also there are madrasa with orphanages. Therefore, the easiest and best way of donating Jakat is to divide it in three and donate one share to the poor relatives, on share to the humble neighbours and the other to the orphanage. And if there are no relatives or neighbours of humble means, then it is wise and best to provide all to the orphanage. In this regard, Afzaalul Awlia, Kaiyum-i-Awal, Hazrat Mujaddide Aalfe Saani Rahmatullah Alaihi says, ‘It would be of million times more thwab and benefits to provide the Jakat and other donations to a poor and orphan student of a madrasa instead of any other sectors. Because that would encourage the Islamic learning of those students.

Mujaddidu A’azam Mamduh Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Jilluhul A’alee said, “The unique characteristics of Muhammadia Jamia Shareef is that this is the only place where it has been made compulsory to learn Ilm-i-Tasauf besides the Fiqh and other Shariah items which is a must for every Muslim man and woman. This institutes arranges for the education of boys and girls in strictest hijab environment. All the teachers, staff and students of the boys’ section are males and all the teachers, staff and students in the girls’ section are women.

Mujaddidu A’azam Mamduh Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Jilluhul A’alee said, “Learners in this institution are never involved with any haram and anti-Islamic activities like fundamentalism, bombings, strikes, long march, burning out of effigies nor are they involved with any such group or organization. Rather the everyday life of the students here, from head to toe, are decorated with full of Sunnah activities. Overall this institute is of the belief of Ahle Sunnah wal Jama’ah. Lessons are imparted on the basis of Quran Shareef, Hadis Shareef, Izmah and Qiyaas with a view to establishing the morals of Rasulullah Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam in real life and make efforts to earn the satisfaction of Allah Pak and His Habib Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam through actual essence of Islam.

Mujaddidu A’azam Mamduh Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Jilluhul A’alee says, “In this institute, besides the well offs, an orphanage and Lillah Boarding has been set up to impart lessons to the humble learners. Therefore, donating your Jakat, Ushar, Fitrah, Kaffarah, Ma’anat or others and hides from the Qurbani or their (money) equivalents to this institute could be of better reasons of blessings and benefits.

Mujaddidu A’azam Mamduh Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Jilluhul A’alee said, “The opinion of the world famous Awlia-i-Kiram is that, ‘Out of the various fields that Allah and His Habib Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam dictated for making donations of Jakat, Ushar, Fitrah, Kaffarah, Ma’anat or others, the best would be to donate for those poor students and orphans who are engaged in learning the Dwin-i-Ilm (religious learning) thereby earning the contentment of Allah Pak and His Habib Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam.