Allah Pak Says that, "All of you! be Allah-wala." (Sura Al-Imran: 79)

Monday, 8 August 2011

Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imaamul Mursaleen Huzur-i-Pak Swallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam is “Noor-i-Mujassam”, that is, HE is Noor from top to bottom.

Imaamul Aimmah, Mu'h-yus Sunnah, Qutwubul ‘Aalam, Mujaddidu Zaman, Awlaadur Rwasool, Hazrat Mamduh Mursheed Qiblah Mudda Zilluhul ‘Aalee of Dhaka Rajarbag Shareef said this is a Mubaarak Statement. He said Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imaamul Mursaleen Huzur-i-Pak Swallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam, that is, HIS Mubaarak Jisim was created of Noor.
He said quoting 15th Aayat Shareef of Sura Mayeeda, “Definitely, from the Great Allah Sub'haanahu wa Ta’aala, ‘Noor’ and explicit Kitab are sent to you.” Mentioning quotation from Mosnad-e-'Abdur Razzaq. Dalaelum, Nabuwat etc. books, He says, "It is stated from Hazrat Jaabir Rwadiallahu Ta'aala 'Anhu, I asked Rwasool of Allah Pak Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imaamul Mursaleen Huzur-i-Pak Swallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam, Yah RwasoolAllah Swallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam, My parents would be sacrificed for YOU! Please let me know which thing did Allah Pak create first? HE says, Yah Jaabir Rwadiallahu Ta'aala 'Anhu! Before creating all, certainly Allah Pak created the Mubaarak Noor of your Nabee, that means, the first creation of Allah Pak is 'Noor-i-Habeebi" Swallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam.

Mentioning Kitaabul Wafa, Imaamul Aimmah, Mu'h-yus Sunnah, Qutwubul ‘Aalam, Mujaddidu Zaman, Awlaadur Rwasool, Hazrat Mamduh Mursheed Qiblah Mudda Zilluhul ‘Aalee of Dhaka Rajarbag Shareef says, it is cited there, "Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imaamul Mursaleen Huzur-i-Pak Swallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam did not have "Mubaarak Shadow". The brightness of HIS Noor was more prominent than the light of the sun and a lamp.

Imaamul Aimmah, Mu'h-yus Sunnah, Qutwubul ‘Aalam, Mujaddidu Zaman, Awlaadur Rwasool, Hazrat Mamduh Mursheed Qiblah Mudda Zilluhul ‘Aalee of Dhaka Rajarbag Shareef says, the element of creation of Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imaamul Mursaleen Huzur-i-Pak Swallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam is the "original Noor-i-Mu'hammadi". This "Noor-i-Mu'hammadi", from Hazrat Aadam 'Alaihis Salaam through Hazrat Khwaja 'Abdullah 'Alaihis Salaam took place in the "Rehem Shareef" of Mother Ameena 'Alaihas Salaam by completely in a way of Qudrat.

Imaamul Aimmah, Mu'h-yus Sunnah, Qutwubul ‘Aalam, Mujaddidu Zaman, Awlaadur Rwasool, Hazrat Mamduh Mursheed Qiblah Mudda Zilluhul ‘Aalee of Dhaka Rajarbag Shareef also says, in Haqeeqat, there is no question of creation of Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imaamul Mursaleen Huzur-i-Pak Swallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam from soil because HE is "Noor-i-Mu'hammadi" rather except Hazrat Aadam 'Alaihis Salaam no other human being is created from soil.

Imaamul Aimmah, Mu'h-yus Sunnah, Qutwubul ‘Aalam, Mujaddidu Zaman, Awlaadur Rwasool, Hazrat Mamduh Mursheed Qiblah Mudda Zilluhul ‘Aalee of Dhaka Rajarbag Shareef says, some people say, "Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imaamul Mursaleen Huzur-i-Pak Swallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam is not only made of "Noor" but also HE is the "Noor from the Noor of Entity" of Allah Pak, that means, HE is created from the own Noor of Allah Pak." Again, some people say, "Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imaamul Mursaleen Huzur-i-Pak Swallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam is not made of "Mubaarak Noor" rather HE is a human made of soil and flesh and blood like us." On the other hand, according to Quran Shareef, 'Hadi's Shareef, Ijma and Kias, both of these aqeedah are included in Kufri.

Imaamul Aimmah, Mu'h-yus Sunnah, Qutwubul ‘Aalam, Mujaddidu Zaman, Awlaadur Rwasool, Hazrat Mamduh Mursheed Qiblah Mudda Zilluhul ‘Aalee of Dhaka Rajarbag Shareef says, Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imaamul Mursaleen Huzur-i-Pak Swallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam is not made of Noor- telling such a things means, denial of numerous Aayat Shareef of Quran Shareef and more than one 'Hadi's Shareef which is absolutely Kufri. Because, it is undoubtedly proved by Quran Shareef and 'Hadi's Shareef that Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imaamul Mursaleen Huzur-i-Pak Swallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam is not made of Noor, that is, "Noor-i-Mujassam".

Imaamul Aimmah, Mu'h-yus Sunnah, Qutwubul ‘Aalam, Mujaddidu Zaman, Awlaadur Rwasool, Hazrat Mamduh Mursheed Qiblah Mudda Zilluhul ‘Aalee of Dhaka Rajarbag Shareef says, Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imaamul Mursaleen Huzur-i-Pak Swallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam is " Noor-i-Mujassam" that means, HE is Noor from top to bottom. Regarding this, it is proved in the Monthly Al-Baiyinaat Shareef by numerous references.
Imaamul Aimmah, Mu'h-yus Sunnah, Qutwubul ‘Aalam, Mujaddidu Zaman, Awlaadur Rwasool, Hazrat Mamduh Mursheed Qiblah Mudda Zilluhul ‘Aalee of Dhaka Rajarbag Shareef asked everyone to conceive pure aqeedah on the fact that Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imaamul Mursaleen Huzur-i-Pak Swallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam is made of Noor by regular study of the Monthly Al-baiyinaat.